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XML Effect of white spot syndrome virus on the activity of immune-related enzymes in the red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) P. 588-604
J.H Ni , Q.Q Tong , M.M Zhang , X Cao , S.L Xu , D.L Wang , Y.L Zhao *
Abstract (3676 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2153 Downloads)  
XML Effects of three beta adrenergic receptor agonists on growth performance, blood biochemical parameters, fatty acids composition and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I gene expression of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss P. 605-618
S.M.A. Jalali * , S.A.H Jalali , F. Yadollahi
Abstract (3243 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1900 Downloads)  
XML Effects of Hibiscus rosasiensis as a natural carotenoid on growth performance, body composition, pigmentation and carotenoid in blood plasma of blue gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus at different stocking densities P. 619-634
M Jorjani * , M Sharifrohani , A Mirhashemi Rostami , S.H Tan
Abstract (3691 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2029 Downloads)  
XML Comparison of otolith morphology of invasive big-scale sand smelt (Atherina boyeri) from natural and artificial lakes in Turkey P. 635-645
S YEDİER , D Bostanci * , S Kontaş , G Kurucu , M Apaydin Yağci , N Polat
Abstract (3086 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1873 Downloads)  
XML Dietary ecology of the Portunus segnis (Forskal, 1775) in the coastal waters of Hormozgan Province, Iran P. 646-655
F Tadi Beni * , J Pazooki , M Safaei
Abstract (3272 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2041 Downloads)  
XML Optimization of culture conditions for growth of the Aurantiochytrium sp. shy, isolated from the Persian Gulf P. 656-671
M Pahlavan Yali , H Jalili * , M Noroozi , Y Morady , F Saba
Abstract (3210 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1559 Downloads)  
XML Age and growth of Alburnus mossulensis Heckel, 1843 in Azad Dam Reservoir and Komasi River in Kordestan Province, Iran P. 672-683
H Fazli * , G.R Daryanabard , A Janbaz , M Naderi Jolodar , R Mirzaei , H Hoseinpour , N Vahedi
Abstract (3307 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1522 Downloads)  
XML Production of breaded kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris) using two different batters and determination of chemical, microbial and sensory properties P. 684-698
S Jorjani * , A.A Khanipour , M Soltani , A Matalebi , A Kamali , A Ghelichi
Abstract (3560 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2096 Downloads)  
XML Oxidative stability, biochemical indices and characteristics of the fatty acid composition of fish protein isolated from tuna (Thunnus albacares) canning by-product stored at -24◦C for 6 months P. 699-715
A.R Shaviklo * , H Mozafari , A Motamedzadegan , N Damavandi-Kamali
Abstract (3534 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1836 Downloads)  
XML Comparative toxicities of five herbicides on nauplii of Artemia franciscana as an ecotoxicity bioindicator P. 716-726
M Alishahi * , Z Tulaby Dezfuly
Abstract (3164 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2345 Downloads)  
XML Effects of riboflavin on growth, hematological and immunological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings P. 727-734
S Lameeihassankiadeh , M Mohammadalikhani , S Najjar Lashgari * , F Abbasian
Abstract (3308 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1366 Downloads)  
XML Blood biochemistry fluctuations as influenced by feed provision in juvenile Snow trout (Schizothorax zarudnyi) P. 735-744
H Khandan Barani * , A Gharaei , N Sanchooli , M Miri
Abstract (3687 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1737 Downloads)  
XML The economic losses of small-scale fishers caused by Mediterranean monk seals, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) in the Southern Aegean Sea: Muğla coasts P. 745-762
C ATEŞ , S TUNCA * , M Çelik , H CERİM
Abstract (3271 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1998 Downloads)  
XML Effect of temperature stress on the survival of juvenile Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) P. 763-774
J Peng , Y.L Zhao , Z.G Xu * , B.Q Liu , C.C Duan , Y.C. Tang
Abstract (3289 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1604 Downloads)  
XML Effects of breeding density, feeding cycle, and light environment on the artificial culture of Poecilobdella manillensis P. 775-789
Y. Lu , F Liu , Q. Guo * , B Cheng , H Shi , L Gou
Abstract (2988 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1644 Downloads)  
XML Life history and other biological traits of Capoeta buhsei (Kessler,1877) in the Gharachay River, Saveh P. 790-797
Z. Yazdani , S. Vatandoust , J. Khayatzadeh *
Abstract (3157 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1501 Downloads)  
XML The effects of lucantin red, yellow and astaxanthin on growth, hematological, immunological parameters and coloration in the Tiger Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus Agassiz,1831) P. 798-811
A Hamrang Omshi , A Bahri , H. Khara , F Mohammadizadeh *
Abstract (3469 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2508 Downloads)  
XML Effect of different protein levels on reproductive performance of snakehead murrel Channa striatus (Bloch 1793) P. 812-829
Alireza Ghaedi * , H Hosseinzadeh , R Hashim
Abstract (3299 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2215 Downloads)  
XML Effects of dietary Sel-Plex supplement on growth performance, hematological and immunological parameters in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869) P. 830-846
B. Gholizadeh Zare Tavana , M. Banaee * , A. Yousefi Jourdehi , B. Nematdoost Haghi , M.H. Seyed Hassani
Abstract (3258 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1773 Downloads)  
XML Inflammatory cytokines responses of common carp, Cyprinus carpio, leucocytes in vitro treated by immunostimulants P. 847-861
M. Tanekhy * , M. Sakai
Abstract (3119 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2024 Downloads)  
XML A comparative study of beta glucan and plant stimulants on the growth, histology and immune response of Labeo rohita P. 862-872
R Tayyab , N Khan , M Ashraf * , A Khalique , F Rasool , H. Azmat , S Abbas , K Mahmood Anjum , D Hameed Mughal , K Javed Iqbal , S Dogar , H Kim , M De Zoysa
Abstract (3408 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1927 Downloads)  
XML Potential of poultry by-product meal as a main protein source in diets formulated for juvenile sobaity (Sparidentex hasta) P. 873-890
F. Hekmatpour * , P. Kochanian , J. Ghafle Marmmazi , M. Zakeri , S.M. Mousavi
Abstract (3441 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1655 Downloads)  
XML Evaluation of hematological and plasma biochemical parameters in green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas Linnaeus, 1758) from nesting colonies of the northern coast the Sea of Oman P. 891-902
M. Sinaei * , M Bolouki , S.Gh Ghorbanzadeh , M. Talebi Matin
Abstract (3354 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1556 Downloads)  
XML Extraction and evaluation of gelatin from yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares) skin and prospect as an alternative to mammalian gelatin P. 903-914
Sh. Jamili * , H Sadeghi , M Rezayat , H Attar , F. Kaymaram
Abstract (3169 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2207 Downloads)  
XML Isolation and characterization of bacteria from the lesion of juvenile sea cucumber Holothuria scabra (Jaeger, 1938) with symptom of skin ulceration disease P. 915-923
Mehrnoush Tangestani * , A Kunzmann
Abstract (3408 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2229 Downloads)  
XML Prevalence, serotypes distribution and characterization of Salmonella in common carp (Cyprinus Carpio), Afyonkarahisar Province, Turkey P. 924-940
S. Pamuk * , G. İnat , B. Sırıken
Abstract (3147 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1993 Downloads)  
XML A new ecotoxicity tolerance index of macrobenthos associated with Zoanthus sansibaricus in the littoral zone of Hormuz Island, Persian Gulf, Iran P. 941-953
D. Mirzabagheri , N. Amrollahi Biuki * , M.R. Taheri Zadeh
Abstract (3042 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2077 Downloads)  
XML Evaluation of the antibacterial effects of Ag-Tio2 nanoparticles and optimization of its migration to sturgeon caviar (Beluga) P. 954-967
A Anvar , Sh Haghighat Kajavi , H Ahari * , A Sharifan , A Motallebi , Sh Kakoolaki , S Paidari
Abstract (3384 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2157 Downloads)  
XML Effects of soy protein base diet supplemented with lysine and methionine on digestive enzymes activity and hematological parameters in silvery-black porgy (Sparidentex hasta) juveniles P. 968-980
M. Yaghoubi * , M. Torfi mozanzadeh , J. Ghafle Marammazi , O. Safari , E. Gisbert
Abstract (3444 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1464 Downloads)  
XML Structure and ultrastructure studies of the digestive tract of the endangered Qinling lenok (Brachymystax tsinlingensis Li, 1966) P. 981-995
D.M Xiong , Y.X Meng , H.R Yu , X.L Liu , H.X Liu
Abstract (3054 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1907 Downloads)  
XML First record of Nais elinguis Müller, 1773 (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Naididae), Spatio-temporal patterns of its population density and biomass production along two estuaries in the South Caspian Sea, Mazandaran Province, Iran P. 996-1013
M. Tavol Koteri , M.R. Fatemi , R. Mousavi Nadushan * , M. Khoda Bakhshi
Abstract (3091 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1672 Downloads)  
XML Effect of enviromental temperature on heat shock proteins (HSP30, HSP70, HSP90) and IGF-I mRNA expression in Sparus aurata P. 1014-1024
A. Bildik * , G.S. Asıcı Ekren , G. Akdeniz , F. Kıral
Abstract (3208 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2297 Downloads)  
XML Seasonal variations in the fatty acid profiles of the liver and muscle of Squalius cephalus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) living in Tödürge Lake (Sivas, Turkiye) P. 1025-1035
S GÖRGÜN * , M.A Akpınar
Abstract (3043 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1656 Downloads)  
XML Evaluating the suitability of cryopreservation solutions for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) embryos stored at -2 °C P. 1036-1045
S Keivanloo , M Sudagar * , M Mazandarani
Abstract (2983 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1288 Downloads)  
XML Serratia marcescens B4A chitinase thermostability enhancement by S390I QuikChange site directed mutagenesis P. 1046-1059
Z Emruzi Tubkanlu , S Aminzadeh * , A.A Karkhane , J Alikhajeh , A Ghoroghi
Abstract (3181 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1772 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Species inventory of the Rotatoria in the Anzali Wetland, Iran P. 1060-1067
G Naser Alavi , A. Bani * , S Bagheri
Abstract (3189 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1621 Downloads)  
XML Short communication:Effects of stocking density on growth performance and profitability of Labeo bata fry reared in earthen ponds P. 1068-1075
T Ahmed , M.H. Faruque * , M.A Kabir , M.G. Mustafa
Abstract (3337 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1838 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: algae of Lemna minor L. growing in natural habitat and aquarium P. 1076-1082
G Pala , Z Selamoglu * , M Caglar
Abstract (3279 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1848 Downloads)  
XML Short communication:Influence of vacuum packaging and frozen storage time on fatty acids, amino acids and ω -3/ ω-6 ratio of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) P. 1083-1092
E Rahimzade , A.H. Bahri * , S Moini , D Nokhbe Zare
Abstract (3124 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1741 Downloads)  
XML Short communication:The relationships between gut length and prey preference of three pipefish (Syngnathus acus, Syngnathus typhle, Nerophis ophidion Linnaeus, 1758) species distributed in Aegean Sea, Turkey P. 1093-1100
S Gurkan * , E Taskavak
Abstract (3026 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3599 Downloads)  
XML Short communication:Chemical compositions, volatile compounds and sensory property of salted shrimp paste (Kapi) produced from Acetes vulgaris and Macrobrachium lanchesteri P. 1101-1114
J Pongsetkul , S Benjakul * , P Sumpavapol , K Vongkamjan , K Osako
Abstract (3378 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2059 Downloads)  
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