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XML Epidemiology, genotypic diversity, and antimicrobial resistance of Lactococcus garvieae in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) P. 1-18
M. Duman , A.G. Buyukekiz , I.B. Saticioglu , M. Cengiz , P. Sahinturk , S. Altun *
Abstract (4382 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2280 Downloads)  
XML Feeding Artemia larvae with yeast heat shock proteins 82 (HSPs82) to enhance the resistance against abiotic stresses (hyperosmotic and high temperatures) P. 19-30
B. Shekarchi , A. Nekuie fard * , R. Manaffar
Abstract (3353 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1843 Downloads)  
XML Maturity, spawning and feeding intensity of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) in northwest coast of India P. 31-44
M.K Sajeevan * , B. Madhusoodana Kurup
Abstract (3167 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2421 Downloads)  
XML Effects of dietary different lipid sources on plasma metabolites in silvery-black porgy (Sparidentex hasta) juveniles P. 45-58
M. Torfi mozanzadeh , N. Agh , M. Yaghoubi * , J. Ghafle Marammazi
Abstract (3807 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1887 Downloads)  
XML The effects of nitrate and phosphate on growth of algae, Ulva rigida P. 59-66
A. Shakouri * , G.M. Balouch
Abstract (2972 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3534 Downloads)  
XML Potentiality of Moringa oleifera aqueous extract as a growth modulator and antistress in acute hypoxic Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus P. 67-84
R.M. Shourbela , W.N. El-Hawarry * , A.M Abd El-Latif , S.Y. Abo-Kora
Abstract (4359 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2998 Downloads)  
XML Chemical composition and functional properties of two brown seaweeds from the Qeshm Island, Iran P. 85-98
E. Mohammadi * , B. Shabanpour , M. Kordjazi
Abstract (3465 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1736 Downloads)  
XML Ontogenic development of digestive accessory glands in larval and juvenile Vimba bream, Vimba vimba (Pallas, 1814) P. 99-110
S. Jalali , Sh. Jamili * , M. Borani , E. Ramezanifard , A. Sepahdari
Abstract (3444 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1626 Downloads)  
XML Prevalence of Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens and factors influencing them in different freshwater fish ponds P. 111-124
X.M Li * , Y.J Zhu , E Ringø , D.G Yang
Abstract (3179 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2140 Downloads)  
XML Comparison of three different fish species from the Marmara Sea to fulfill daily EPA and DHA needs P. 125-135
O. Ozden , H. Dogruyol *
Abstract (3054 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2069 Downloads)  
XML An investigation on the effects of different diets on the growth performance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linné, 1758) P. 136-150
M. Djeziri * , L. Nouri , M. Kacher
Abstract (3021 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1360 Downloads)  
XML Determination of optimum level of omega 3 fish oil plus vitamin E and their effects on oxidative and sensory shelf stability in a traditional Persian ice cream formulation using a computer-aided statistical programme P. 151-166
A.R. Shaviklo * , S.R. Seyed-Nejad , H.R. Mahdavi Adeli
Abstract (3474 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1324 Downloads)  
XML Effects of dietary supplementation with natural carotenoid sources on growth performance and skin coloration of fancy carp, Cyprinus carpio L. P. 167-181
P. Ninwichian * , D. Chookird , N. Phuwan
Abstract (3777 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3056 Downloads)  
XML Predatory reactions of juvenile stages of sea trout (Salmo trutta trutta L., 1758) fed with three feeding regimens P. 182-194
K. Ciszewski * , P. Czerniejewski , W. Wawrzyniak , O. Surma
Abstract (3196 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1302 Downloads)  
XML The anesthetic effects of 2-phenoxyethanol on Munzur trout fingerlings (Salmo munzuricus Turan et al., 2017) at different temperatures P. 195-203
E. Akgül , E. Can *
Abstract (3100 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1612 Downloads)  
XML Length-weight, length-length and empirical standard weight equations for Capoeta baliki, Capoeta sieboldii and Chondrostoma angorense, three endemic cyprinid species of northwestern Anatolia P. 204-216
Ö. Emiroğlu , D. Giannetto * , S. Aksu , S. Başkurt , A. Çiçek , A.S. Tarkan
Abstract (3385 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1472 Downloads)  
XML Protection of polyunsaturated fatty acids of fish oil from common Kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris caspia) using holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) essential oil P. 217-233
M.T Golmakani * , M. Niakousari , M. Keramat , H. Khosravi
Abstract (3017 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3122 Downloads)  
XML Growth, survival and fatty acids profile of Polychaete, Nereis diversicolor (Müller, 1776) cultured using waste water of great sturgeon, Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758), culture at different densities in an integrated farming system P. 234-247
Z.O. Pajand , M. Soltani * , A. Kamali , M. Bahmani
Abstract (3128 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2119 Downloads)  
XML Life history pattern and feeding habits of Gobio bulgaricus (Drensky, 1926) (Pisces: Gobionidae) in an endorheic stream (Istranca Stream, Turkey) P. 248-261
G. Saç * , M. Özuluğ
Abstract (3236 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1613 Downloads)  
XML Effects of atmospheric cold plasma on microbial growth of Listeria innocua and Staphylococcus aureus in ready-to-eat fish products P. 262-271
A. Hajhoseini , A. Sharifan * , H.R. Yousefi
Abstract (4205 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2216 Downloads)  
XML Effects of Capparis spinosa root extract and modified atmosphere packaging on the shelf life of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets by measuring of antioxidant and antimicrobial parameters P. 272-285
P. Khadem * , A.A. Motalebi , N. Rokni , V. Razavilar
Abstract (3168 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1673 Downloads)  
XML Development of a multimetric index based on benthic macroinvertebrates for downstream Jajrud River in Tehran province, Iran P. 286-296
F. Mehrjo , A. Abdoli , S.H. Hashemi * , F. Hosseinabadi
Abstract (3377 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1907 Downloads)  
XML Influence of the stocking density on the growth, feeding, survival rate and muscle cellularity of juvenile specimens of common name shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa L. P. 297-308
M. Ayala * , A. Molera , A. García-Alcázar , M. Arizcun
Abstract (2682 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1719 Downloads)  
XML Induced spawning of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822) after pre-spawning prophylactic disinfection; the breeding performance and tissue histopathological alterations are under scope P. 309-324
R.M. Shourbela , H.G. Tohamy , W.N. El-Hawarry *
Abstract (3144 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5023 Downloads)  
XML Identification of larval stages of fish in southeastern coastal waters of the Caspian Sea- Golestan Province P. 325-339
Z. Mazaheri Kouhanestani * , R. Ghorbani , M. Fujiwara , M. Rabbaniha , K. Amini , S. Mahmoodi
Abstract (3192 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2243 Downloads)  
XML Effect of salinity, light intensity and tank size on larval survival rate of shoemaker rabbitfish Siganus sutor (Valenciennes, 1835) P. 340-351
H. Fourooghifard * , A. Matinfar , K. Roohani Ghadikolaee , M. Moezzi , E. Abdolalian , M. Zahedi , S. Tamadoni Jahromi
Abstract (3189 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2007 Downloads)  
XML Evaluation of physico-chemical parameters regulating zooplankton community structure in the Geum River, Korea P. 352-371
B.J. Lim , S.R. Han , I.C. Choi , J.H. Yoon , J.J. Lee , S.U. Cheon * , K. Cho
Abstract (2870 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1838 Downloads)  
XML Influence of salinity on growth increment, feed conversion and body composition of common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) fingerlings in the captivity P. 372-385
A. Malik * , G. Abbas , A. Ali Muhammad , S.S. Ali Shah , A. Jarwar , S.B. Hussain Shah , A.J. Memon , K. Rehman
Abstract (2934 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1626 Downloads)  
XML A comparative advantage analysis of fishing sector and its impact on Iran’s economic development P. 386-400
H. Amirnejad * , A.S. Ahmadzade , R. Esfanjari Kenari
Abstract (2880 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2225 Downloads)  
XML Role of dietary inclusion of Gracillaria arcuata extract on growth performance and biochemical responses in grey mullet, Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) P. 401-409
P. Akbary * , Z. Sohrabzaei , Z. Aminikhoei
Abstract (3090 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1560 Downloads)  
XML Effects of incorporation Spirulina platensis (Gomont, 1892) powder in wheat flour on chemical, microbial and sensory properties of pasta P. 410-420
S. Mostolizadeh , Y. Moradi * , M.S. Mortazavi , A.A. Motallebi , M. Ghaeni
Abstract (3479 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2810 Downloads)  
XML The relationship between biotic factors and the content of chosen heavy metals (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) in six wild freshwater fish species collected from two lakes (Łańskie and Pluszne) located in northeastern Poland P. 421-442
J. Łuczyńska * , E. Tońska , B. Paszczyk , M.J. Łuczyński
Abstract (3109 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2270 Downloads)  
XML Effects of chronic exposure to carbamazepine on hematological parameters in Cyprinus carpio P. 443-456
M. Rezaei , A. Mashinchian Moradi * , P. Mortazavi , Sh. Jamili
Abstract (2893 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1550 Downloads)  
XML The histopathological effect of methylmercury on the brain in orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) in Zangi Creek and laboratory P. 457-470
Sh. Savari * , A. Safahieh , B. Archangi , A. Savari , R. Abdi
Abstract (2902 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1676 Downloads)  
XML A study on red tide risk and basic understanding of fishermen and residents in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan Province, Iran (Persian Gulf) P. 471-487
F. Mirza Esmaeili , M.S. Mortazavi * , R. Arjomandi , A. Lahijanian
Abstract (3133 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (13083 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: A study of endohelminthes in some fish species caught between Kumlutarla-Gemici regions of Karakaya Dam Lake P. 488-495
A. Gun , M. Dorucu *
Abstract (2919 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1752 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Length-weight relationship and Fulton’s condition factor of Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan, 1849) in Anzali lagoon of Iran P. 496-500
A.A. Khanipour , A. Noori * , M. Amini , E. Kamrani
Abstract (3046 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1941 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Comparative study of Hematological variation in healthy and fungal infected Kalabans, Bangana dero (Hamilton, 1822) P. 501-509
U. Siddiqui * , R.H. Shah , R. Amrita , K. Tudu , S. Kumar , H.C.S. Bisht , N.N. Pandey
Abstract (3199 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2173 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Determining gill-net selectivity for longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol Bleeker, 1851) using artisanal fishery data in the Iranian waters of the Oman Sea P. 510-517
A. Sadough Niri , E. Kamrani * , A.A. Khanipour , N. Madsen , I. Sourinejad
Abstract (3332 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2017 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Studying on relationship between carapace width and habitat properties of Tufted ghost crab (Ocypode cursor) living on Iztuzu beach–Turkey P. 518-524
Ö. Yılmaz * , M. Barlas
Abstract (3222 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (1499 Downloads)  
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