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XML Morphometrics studies of Mahisefid (Rutilus frisii kutum, Kamensky, 1901) from selected rivers in the southern Caspian Sea P. 1-18
H. A. Abdolhay * , Daud Siti Khalijah , M. Pourkazemi , Siraj Siti Shapor , S. Rezvani , Mostafa Kamal Abdul Satar , H. Hosseinzadeh Sahafi
Abstract (19574 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4627 Downloads)  
XML Comparison between live food and artificial diet on survival rate, growth and body chemical composition of Oncorhynchus mykiss larvae P. 19-32
P. Akbary * , M. Imanpoor , M. Sudagar , N. M. Makhdomi
Abstract (31053 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (14615 Downloads)  
XML Biochemical and histological studies of over-ripened oocyte in the Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius) to determine biomarkers for egg quality P. 33-48
A. Mohagheghi Samarin , B. Mojazi Amiri , M. Bahre Kazemi * , M. Soltani , A. Matinfar , B. Abtahi , I. Pusti
Abstract (29437 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5517 Downloads)  
XML Comparison of Soybean meal and Cottonseed meal variety Pak (CSMP) on growth and feed using in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) P. 49-60
S. Dadgar * , Che Roos Bin Saad , Abdul Razak Alimon , Mohd Salleh Kamarudin , M. Nafisi Bahabadi
Abstract (27010 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (6251 Downloads)  
XML Effects of enriched Artemia urmiana with HUFA on growth, survival, and fatty acids composition of the Persian sturgeon larvae (Acipenser persicus) P. 61-72
H. Hosseinpour , M. Hafezieh * , Mohd Salah Kamarudin , Che Rose Bin Saad , Mostafa Kamal Abd Sattar , N. Agh , T. Valinassab , M. Sharifian
Abstract (29052 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (6342 Downloads)  
XML Antioxidant properties of sodium acetate, sodium citrate and sodium lactate on lipid oxidation in rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) sticks during refrigerated storage (4˚C) P. 73-86
S. Haghparast * , H. Kashiri , B. Shabanpour , M. H. Pahlavani
Abstract (23524 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (8774 Downloads)  
XML Growth parameters and mortality rates of Liza klunzingeri in the Iranian waters of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, using Length Frequency Data P. 87-96
M. Hakimelahi * , E. Kamrani , S.A. Taghavi Motlagh , M. Ghodrati Shojaei , A. Vahabnezhad
Abstract (28734 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5587 Downloads)  
XML Comparative study on the liver fatty acid profiles of the red toothed trigger fish (Odonus niger) from southwest coast of India P. 96-110
G. Immanuel * , A. Palavesam
Abstract (24463 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4907 Downloads)  
XML Quality assessment of fish burgers from deep flounder (Pseudorhombus elevatus) and brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis) during storage at -18ºC P. 111-126
M. Mahmoudzadeh , A. A. Motallebi , H. Hosseini , P. Haratian , H. Ahmadi , M. Mohammadi , R. Khaksar *
Abstract (31504 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (8816 Downloads)  
XML Feeding characteristics of Neogobis caspius in the south west coastline of the Caspian Sea (Gilan Province) P. 127-140
A. Sarpanah Sarkohi * , G. R. Ghasemzadeh , S. A. Nezami , A. Shabani , A. Christianus , B. Shabanpour , Chi Roos Bin Saad
Abstract (19453 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5233 Downloads)  
XML Effects of different dietary levels of AFB1 on survival rate and growth factors of Beluga (Huso huso) P. 141-150
A. Sepahdari * , H. A. Ebrahimzadeh Mosavi , I. Sharifpour , A. Khosravi , A. A. Motallebi , M. Mohseni , S. Kakoolaki , H.R. Pourali , A. Hallajian
Abstract (26063 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (6051 Downloads)  
XML Fungal contamination in rainbow trout eggs in Kermanshah province propagations with emphasis on Saprolegniaceae P. 151-160
N. Shahbazian , H. A. Ebrahimzadeh Mousavi * , M. Soltani , A. R. Khosravi , S. Mirzargar , I. Sharifpour
Abstract (28963 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (6108 Downloads)  
XML Growth, mortality and spawning season of the spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus Forsskal, 1775) in coastal waters of Hormozgan Province in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea P. 161-172
S. A. Taghavi Motlagh * , A. Vahabnezhad , S. J. Seyfabadi , M. Ghodrati Shojaei , M. Hakimelahi
Abstract (23665 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (6903 Downloads)  
XML Distribution pattern of coral & non coralline fish larvae in Khark & Kharko (Persian Gulf) P. 173-184
G. H. Vosoughi , M. R. Fatemi , M. Rabbaniha * , S. Jamili , K. Gharra , M. Noorinejad
Abstract (20259 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (6134 Downloads)  
XML Study of some hematological and biochemical parameters of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry in western part of Mazandaran province, Iran P. 185-198
M. j. Zorriehzahra * , M.D. Hassan , M. Gholizadeh , A. A. Saidi
Abstract (27219 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (10057 Downloads)  
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