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XML Effect of age on reproductive efficiency of adult rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1972 P. 945-956
S. Shamspour * , H. Khara
Abstract (6372 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3878 Downloads)  
XML Biology of Indian Mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier,1817) in the Western Waters of Aceh P. 957-972
M. Arrafi * , M. Azmi Ambak , M. Piah Rumeaida , Z.A. Muchlisin
Abstract (6717 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (8104 Downloads)  
XML Investigation of otolith’s characteristics in Rachycentron canadum in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea P. 973-979
N. Javadzadeh * , H. Mabudi , M. Taghi Azhir
Abstract (5360 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3786 Downloads)  
XML Age and growth of Capoeta erhani Turan, Kottelat and Ekmekçi, 2008 from the Seyhan River (Southeast of Turkey) P. 980-994
S.A. Erguden * , D. Giannetto
Abstract (5982 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2911 Downloads)  
XML Population genetic structure of the white sardine, Sardinella albella, in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman by analysis of mitochondrial control region P. 995-1008
P. Rahimi * , S. Rezvani Gilkolaie , P. Ghavam Mostafavi , Sh. Jamili , M. Rahnema
Abstract (5668 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3870 Downloads)  
XML Investigation of genetic variation and sexual diversity of different populations of Gracilaria corticata in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea using ISSR markers P. 1009-1026
S.A. Talebzadeh , S.M. Hesamzade Hejazi * , T. Valinassab
Abstract (5448 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2535 Downloads)  
XML Metal bioaccumulation in representative organisms from different trophic levels of the Caspian Sea P. 1027-1043
A.R. Mirzajani , A.H. Hamidian * , M. Karami
Abstract (5869 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3508 Downloads)  
XML Effects of environmental parameters and nutrients on phytoplankton communities around the shrimp farm complexes in Bushehr Province, in the Persian Gulf P. 1044-1054
Kh. Aein Jamshid * , F. Mohsenizadeh , S. Omidi
Abstract (5929 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2340 Downloads)  
XML Effect of different Alphamune levels in artificial diet on growth parameters, digestibility and enzyme activity of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792) P. 1055-1066
E. Nazari , A. Keramat Amirkolaie * , S. Karimzadeh
Abstract (5802 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3826 Downloads)  
XML Internal parasites of saposhnikovi shad, Alosa saposchnikowii (Grimm, 1887), from the southeastern part of the Caspian Sea, Iran P. 1067-1077
M. Mazandarani * , A.M. Hajimoradloo , E. Niazi
Abstract (5239 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2800 Downloads)  
XML The effect of dietary dextrin levels on growth performance, body composition and hepatosomatic index in juvenile Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii P. 1078-1088
M. Yazdani Sadati * , A. Borzoii , R. Akrami
Abstract (5310 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2764 Downloads)  
XML Prediction of global sea cucumber capture production based on the exponential smoothing and ARIMA models P. 1107-1089
Z.H.U. Yugui , L.V. Hongbing , C.H.U. Jiansong *
Abstract (5375 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3004 Downloads)  
XML Chemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial activity of some Iranian medical herbs against Yersinia ruckeri P. 1108-1123
M. Adel , R. Safari , A.H. Ghitanchi , M.J. Zorriehzahra *
Abstract (5767 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3148 Downloads)  
XML Growth and feed utilization of goldfish (Carassius auratus) fed graded levels of brewers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) P. 1124-1133
E. Gumus * , B. Aydin , M. Kanyilmaz
Abstract (7080 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (6583 Downloads)  
XML Determination and study the fatty acid contents and their seasonal variations by temperature of a dominant bivalve(Callista umbonella) of Haleh Creek P. 1134-1143
N. Sajjadi * , N. Mooraki
Abstract (5338 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3475 Downloads)  
XML Distribution pattern of heavy metals in the surficial sediment of Gorgan Bay (South Caspian Sea, Iran) P. 1144-1166
S.Gh. Ghorbanzadeh Zaferani , A. Machinchian Moradi , R. Mousavi Nadushan * , A.R. Sari , S.M.R. Fatemi
Abstract (5689 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4336 Downloads)  
XML Blood parameters of Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius) fingerlings affected by dietary L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate P. 1167-1186
H. Rajabi Islami * , N. Arab , R. Assare , M.I. Rastravan , R. Ebtekari
Abstract (6373 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3796 Downloads)  
XML An experimental analysis of the effects of dietary lipid sources and feeding ration on the reproductive performance, egg and larval quality of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) P. 1187-1201
A. Hajizadeh * , A. Shinn
Abstract (6242 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3681 Downloads)  
XML Preliminary studies on the impact of fish cage culture rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on zooplankton structure in the southwestern Caspian Sea P. 1202-1213
S. Bagheri * , A. Mirzajani , J. Sabkara
Abstract (5748 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3062 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Age and growth of king nase, Condrostoma regium (Cyprinidae), from Bibi-Sayyedan River of Semirom, Isfahan, Iran P. 1214-1223
F. Kiani * , Y. Keivany , F. Paykan-Heyrati , O. Farhadian
Abstract (5723 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (2261 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: First report of mangrove whipray Himantura granulata (Macleay, 1883) from the Persian Gulf, Iran P. 1224-1229
A.R. Rastgoo , S.M.R. Fatemi , T. Valinassab * , M.S. Mortazavi
Abstract (5182 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3035 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Effects of induced spawning on early development in snout otter clam, Lutraria philippinarum (Deshayes, 1854) (Bivalvia: Mactridae) P. 1230-1236
V. Bantoto-Kinamot *
Abstract (5217 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3491 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Age, growth and mortality of Caspian Spirlin, Alburnoides eichwaldii (De Filippi, 1863), from Aras River Basin in Turkey P. 1237-1245
E. Cicek * , U. Sigirci , S. Birecikligil , Ö Saylar
Abstract (6764 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4029 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Ecological classification of southern zones of the Caspian Sea (Mazandaran Province), based on CMECS model P. 1246-1253
M.A. Hoseinzadeh , F. Owfi * , M.H. Gorjian Arabi , M. Keshavarz
Abstract (5138 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3335 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: The first report of Amphipholis squamata (Delle Chiaje, 1829) (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Chabahar Bay – northern Oman Sea P. 1254-1261
G. Attaran-Fariman * , A. Beygmoradi
Abstract (5407 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (3256 Downloads)  
XML Short communication: Identification and morphometric descriptions of four dominant families of larval fishes in the estuary of Marudu Bay, Sabah, East Malaysia P. 1262-1268
S. Rezagholinejad , F. Ehteshami * , A. Arshad , S.M.N. Amin , R. Ara
Abstract (5766 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4531 Downloads)  
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