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:: Volume 9, Issue 3 (2010) ::
IJFS 2010, 9 Back to browse issues page
Effect of whey protein coating on Physic-Chemical properties of gutted Kilka during frozen storage
A. Hasanzati Rostami * , A. A. Motallebi , A. A. Khanipour , M. Soltani , N. Khanedan
, arostami306@gmail.com
Abstract:   (14570 Views)

 The a im of th is paper was to study the effects w hey pro t e in c oat i ng on ch e m ic al a nd physic al properties of gut t ed K i l ka dur i ng f roz en stor a ge. Coating of Kilka has done by dipping in whey protein solution with different concentrations of 3, 7, 10 and 13%, for 1h. Then, after being packed in polyethylene dishes, they were covered in cellophane blanket and stored in -18°C. There were 125 testing and control packages, each of them weight 250grams. Heme iron, peroxide value, protein, lipid and pH has measured after 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 months storage in freezer. R e s u l ts of h e me iron, p e roxi de v a l ue and lipid of control tr e at m ents h a ve s hown s i gni f icant difference among ex p e r i m ent al tr e at m ents (p<0.05). P ro t e in and pH v a lue of control tr e at m ents did not show significant difference with other treatments (p>0.05). Our results showed that coating process with di ff e r e nt whey pro t e in con c entrat i on leads to decrease in peroxide value and increases the iron content. 13% whey protein concentration was provided the most satisfactory results.

Keywords: Edible films and coatings, Whey protein, Kilka fish, Heme iron, Lipid oxidation
Full-Text [PDF 417 kb]   (6068 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Orginal research papers | Subject: Fish processing
Received: 2010/08/3 | Accepted: 2015/09/13 | Published: 2015/09/13
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Hasanzati Rostami A, Motallebi A A, Khanipour A A, Soltani M, Khanedan N. Effect of whey protein coating on Physic-Chemical properties of gutted Kilka during frozen storage. IJFS 2010; 9 (3) :412-421
URL: http://jifro.ir/article-1-53-en.html

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Volume 9, Issue 3 (2010) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences
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