Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Marine Science Technology and Atmospheric, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran ,
Abstract: (515 Views)
Population dynamics of skinnycheek lanternfish, Benthosemapterotum (Alcock, 1890), were studied in the Oman Sea from January to December 2019. A total of 2893 individuals were sampled from the commercial catch of bottom trawlers in the Oman Sea. The total length (TL) ranged from 21-60 mm and the average length was 39.4±4.64 mm. More than 84% of the samples were between 33-45 mm TL. The length-weight relationship was obtained TW=0.00008 TL 2.38 and showed negative allometric growth. The asymptotic length (Loo) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated at 63 mm and 1.6 per year,respectively. In addition, tmax and t0 were calculated at 1.73 and -0.15 year, respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was calculated as Lt=63 (1 – e -1.6(t+0.15)). The coefficients of total mortality (Z), instantaneous natural mortality (M), and fishing mortality (F) rates were estimated as 6.65 per year, 2.62 per year, and 4.03 per year, respectively. Size at first capture (Lc) was estimated at 35.67 mm (TL). The current rate of exploitation (E) was given as 0.6 and therefore, the values of exploitation ratio were reasonable for the current fishing effort.
Sadeghi Mazidi S, Kamrani E, Salarpouri A, Momeni M, Naderi R. Research Article: Population dynamic of skinnycheek lanternfish Benthosema pterotum (Alcock, 1890) in the Oman Sea. IJFS 2023; 22 (6) :1277-1289 URL: