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 پایگاه استنادی علوم جهان اسلام (ISC)

پایگاه اطلاعات جهاد دانشگاهی (SID) 

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Research Article: Protective effect of curcumin-coated chitosan-alginate nanoparticles against oxidative stress induced by nickel oxide nanoparticles in the Gold fish (Carassius auratus)
M. Ghorbanpour Delavar , S. Ghobadi * , S. Vatandoust , H. Manouchehri , R. Changizi
Department of Aquaculture, Babol Branch. Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran , shgh_science@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (38 Views)
Metal oxide nanoparticles are the most widely used compounds among nanoparticles, and the increasing use of nickel oxide (NiO) nanoparticles requires a better understanding of their toxic potential impact on various organisms. Although aquatic organisms are predicted to be the main targets of nanoparticles released into the environment, the toxicity of nickel (Ni), especially NiO nanoparticles, in aquatic organisms has not been well studied. This study aims to investigate the oxidant effect of NiO nanoparticles as well as the antioxidant effect of curcumin-coated chitosan-alginate nanoparticles in the Gold fish (Carassius auratus). In this study, five groups of fish (mean weight 8.65±0.45 g; mean length 5.58±0.33 cm) were used for experiments within 4-week treatments. The study groups were included: (i) control group, (ii) treatment group of NiO nanoparticles, and (iii) 3 treatment groups of NiO nanoparticles+ curcumin-loaded alginate-chitosan nanoparticles. At the end of the study period, liver samples were isolated and collected for oxidative damage. Total antioxidant levels, MDA, glutathione, and antioxidant enzymes–catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) – were measured in all groups. The results showed that NiO nanoparticles decreased the level of total antioxidants while increased the level of MDA in the NiO nanoparticle treatment group, but the groups that received NiO nanoparticles + curcumin-loaded alginate-chitosan nanoparticles had better antioxidant parameters. These results showed strong evidence of induction of cellular oxidative stress due to exposure to NiO nanoparticles as well as the protective effect of curcumin-loaded alginate-chitosan nanoparticles.
Keywords: Protective effect, Chitosan-Alginate nanoparticles, Curcumin, Oxidative stress, Nickel oxide nanoparticles, Carassius auratus
Full-Text [PDF 499 kb]   (17 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Orginal research papers | Subject: aquaculture
Received: 2022/01/15 | Accepted: 2024/07/20
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