There is a few available information about the effect of anesthetics, specially electroanesthesia on immune parameters in fish. In the present work, two anesthetics, MS222 (50 ppm), clove oil (25 ppm), and electroanesthesia were tested in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in narcosis stage. The results showed, clove oil and electroanesthesia increase the lysozyme activity 24 h after anesthesia(p<0.05) and it induces neutrophilia and lymphopenia in the same group 24h after anesthesia(p<0.05), but fish specimens anesthized with MS222 didn’t show any difference 1h and 24h after exposure in lysoyme level and differential white blood cell count (p>0.05). It seems use of MS222 during aquacultural practices may induce lesser effect in rainbow trout.
Gholipour kanani H, Mirzargar S S, Soltani M, Ahmadi M, Abrishamifar A, Bahonar A et al . Anesthetic effect of tricaine methanesulfonate, clove oil and electroanesthesia on lysozyme activity of Oncorhynchus mykiss. IJFS 2011; 10 (3) :393-402 URL: