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:: Volume 10, Issue 2 (2011) ::
IJFS 2011, 10 Back to browse issues page
Immunological and histopathological changes in Penaeus semisulcatus challenged with Vibrio harveyi
J. Mohajeri * , M. Afsharnasab , B. Jalali , S. Kakoolaki , M. Sharifrohani , A. Haghighi
, jaleh85@gmail.com
Abstract:   (16347 Views)

 Two-hundred and sixty five green tiger shrimp juveniles (Penaeus semisulcatus) with the average weight of 7-12g were collected from Helleh farms in Bushehr province and transported to Iran Shrimp Research Center of Bushehr in October, 2009. The juveniles were acclimated for two weeks. The experiment was designed in three treatments (named 3, 4 and 5) and two controls (named 1 and 2) in triplicate with 15 shrimp in each repetition prepared of glass aquarium. All the treatments and repetitions were exposed to Vibrio harveyi (NCBI: GU974342.1). The concentrations of the treatments were 108,106 and 104 CFU ml-1 in individual containers dedicated for each mentioned treatment (3, 4 and 5, respectively). The controls prepared with no any bacteria and fully filled with chlorinated and UV treated sea water were named 1 and 2 respectively. The hemolymph were withdrawn from abdominal segments of samples for measuring THC and TPC evaluation at designed hours (2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 144, 192 and 240). The shrimp samples were also fixed in Davidson fixative for histopathological studies. The results showed that the difference of THC value between controls and group 3 during 12 till 96 hours of experiment was significant (P< 0.05). The differences between groups 4 and control of THC value during 24 to 144 hours of experiment were also significant (P< 0.05). There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) between group 5 and control groups of THC. The data showed that differences of TPC value between control groups during 24 to 96 hours were significant (P< 0.05), whereas the differences between controls with groups 4 and 5 during 48 to 144 hours and 192 hours, were significant (P< 0.05) respectively. TPC and THC were observed with an increase in the concentration of bacteria and passing the time as inverse bell shape procedure. In histopathology, gills showed melanization and color changed to brown and black. The hepatopancreas cells revealed necrosis and vacuolization of B, E, R and F cells. The bolitas ball and bacterial colonization was observed in the intestine. Our results showed that Vibrio harveyi with 108 and 106 cell/ml decreased immunity factors such as THC and TPC. The histopathological changes increased with increasing the concentration of bacterial level. This finding can be used for assessing the health of shrimp culture and prevention of vibriosis.

Keywords: Vibrio harveyi, Penaeus semisulcatus, Total hemocyte count, Total protein concentration, Histopathology
Full-Text [PDF 838 kb]   (6779 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Orginal research papers | Subject: fish disease
Received: 2011/05/31 | Accepted: 2015/09/13 | Published: 2015/09/13
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Mohajeri J, Afsharnasab M, Jalali B, Kakoolaki S, Sharifrohani M, Haghighi A. Immunological and histopathological changes in Penaeus semisulcatus challenged with Vibrio harveyi . IJFS 2011; 10 (2) :254-265
URL: http://jifro.ir/article-1-173-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 2 (2011) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences
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