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Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Scopus): 1.117
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Web of Science): 0.8
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H Index (Google scholar): 22
Journal's Impact Factor ISC 2022: 0.215
"If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Scopus): 1.117
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Web of Science): 0.8
SJR 2023: 0.27 Q3
H Index (Google scholar): 22
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Showing 8 results for Scale
S.m. Fatemi, F. Kaymaram, S. Jamili, S.a. Taghavi Motlagh, S. Ghasemi, Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2009)
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) represents one of the most economically important fish species in the Caspian Sea. In this study, growth and mortality parameters among population of common carp was investigated. Sampling was carried out weekly, using beach seine in the south of the Caspian Sea from October 2006 to September 2007. As a contribution to elaborating management programs for common carp, the age and growth of this species was calculated via scale, growth parameters and mortality rate by length frequency data obtained from commercial fishing and research beach seines. Ten age groups were recorded from 1+ to 10+ years old, being dominated by 4 and 5 year-old fish. The growth parameters based on scale reading data by length at age analysis were FL¥= 71.52cm and K = 0.16 per year for total population, FL¥= 70.54cm and K = 0.15 per year for males, and FL¥= 72.00 cm and K = 0.16 per year for females, whereas by length frequency analysis, these values were estimated as FL¥ equals 72.0, 69.3 and 73.0cm and K equals 0.18, 0.15 and 0.18 per year for total population, males and females, respectively. The total, natural and fishing mortality rates were 0.71, 0.29 and 0.42 per year, respectively.
H. R. Esmaeili, Z. Gholami, Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2011)
The normal and lateral line cycloid scales of a cyprinid fish Rutilus frisii kutum Kamenskii, 1901 have been subjected to scanning electron microscopy technique to study their detailed structure. The scales have the general morphological characteristics of the cycloid scales. In the normal scale located below the dorsal fin, the focus lies on the anterior region with few mucous pores. There is a clear-cut demonstration between the anterior and posterior region. In the posterior part, the scale has several rows of pigmented granules (tubercles) with different shapes of round to oval, semi-oval and even oblong structure. On the dorsal side, some circuli bear teeth-like structures called lepidonts can be seen which help the scale in firm attachment to the skin. The circuli may also have calcium projections. The lateral line scale has a canal which characteristically lies along the anterior-posterior axis with anterior and posterior openings. The anterior opening is wider than the posterior one and is hidden by an evelike extension cantilevered over it. Based on the obtained results it could be concluded that the shape and size of lepidonts on the circuli crest, the position, shape and size of tubercles and the presence of both anterior and posterior radii may provide reliable taxonomic tools. Changes in the circuli pattern, breakage of the circuli, loss of lepidonts and tubercles may be used to access the habitat condition of this carp especially habitat pollution.
S. Yedier, S. Kontaş, D. Bostancı, N. Polat, Volume 15, Issue 4 (10-2016)
Garra rufa is one of the most popular therapeutic and commercially important fish in ichthyotherapy. Otolith and scale morphology provide new and useful information for fish identification and classification. Left-right asteriscus and lapillus otoliths from juvenile and adult doctor fish, and the scales from 6 different regions of the juvenile and adult fish body have been examined in Kangal Balıklı Çermik thermal spring (Sivas, Turkey). The otolith and scale morphological characters such as type, size, shape, mesial surface, lateral surface, antirostrum and rostrum shapes, focus position, circuli appearance, radii type and posterior and anterior margin shapes were distinguishable features for the juvenile and adult G. rufa samples. Three different otolith shapes were observed such as squared and discoidal otolith shapes for asteriscus pairs and oval to elliptic otolith shapes for lapillus pairs in the juvenile and adult doctor fish. Seven different scale shapes were described from six different body regions of the G. rufa in the current study. The graphical illustration of wavelets was used for both asteriscus and lapillus pairs of the fish to discover otolith variabilities. This is one of the first otolith and scale morphology studies for the juvenile and adult doctor fish. All these otolith and scale characters and their morphologies could be used for best alternative tools to identification, classification, phylogenetic relationships among the different freshwater and marine fish species, genera, populations or stocks.
F. Parafkandeh, E. Shayanfar, S. Jamili, H. Fazli, Volume 16, Issue 2 (4-2017)
This study is attempted to compare the number of rings and circular scales that are formed during various ages on Liza saliens. Sampling was carried out monthly during 2012-2013 using beach sine fishing nets. 102 specimens of different sizes were collected and transferred to the laboratory in boxes containing ice. The age of fish was determined by the number of annual rings as well as, the number of rings in each annual area. The distance between rings in each annual area was also measured. The results showed that the maximum growth was demonstrated in the first and second years. In the first year of life, the scale radius was nearly 2823.3±366.5(µm) which decreased to 1223.9±236.0(µm). The result indicated that 48 percentage of growth scales occurred in the first year and this value is only 21.8% in the second year. The number of growth rings in the annual regions decreased with increase in age. The result demonstrated that the average number of rings was 95.5±17.6 in the first life year of the fish. If you take into account the number of growth ring through years in comparison with the number of days in a year, it is clear that one ring was nearly made in four days in the first life year and it gradually reached 7.5, 15.9, 21.9 and 31.7 in the second, fourth and sixth years of life, respectively. One ring was approximately made in each month at higher ages.
A. Makhlough, H. Nasrollahzadeh Saravi , F. Eslami, A.r. Keyhansani , Volume 18, Issue 1 (1-2019)
Nutrient enrichment in water and sediments due to excessive anthropogenic activities in recent years has caused excessive algal growth in the Caspian Sea. The current study was conducted to determine the abundance of phytoplankton community, the dominant species and chlorophyll-a [Chl-a] concentration during algal blooms in the Iranian coastal waters of Caspian Sea through four seasons from 2013 to 2014. The minimum and maximum phytoplankton abundance recorded were 73±31 and 505±55 million cells m-3 in summer and winter, respectively. The median concentration of Chl-a increased to 5.81 mg m-3 in autumn, as compared to the annual median value (2.43 mg m-3). The results indicated that the bloom started in autumn and it continued falling with a low concentration during winter (Chl-a: 2.59 mg m-3). The three species Stephanodiscus socialis, Binuclearia lauterbornii and Thalassionema nitzschioides were classified in medium bloom class (100-1000 million cells m-3) in spring, summer and autumn, respectively. While in winter Pseudonitzschia seriata (harmful species) and Dactyliosolen fragilissima were classified in medium bloom class with high relative frequency. The scaling of bloom abundance revealed that bloom initiation coincided with 10 million cells m-3 of the dominant phytoplankton species. The bloom at the regions with more than 100 million cells m-3 of total phytoplankton abundance and dominant species was overlapped with the bloom regions based on Chl-a concentration.
C Ateş, S Tunca, M Çelik, H Ceri̇m, Volume 18, Issue 4 (9-2019)
This study analyzed the interaction between the small-scale fishers and the Mediterranean Monk Seal (MMS) in an important Peninsula and two important marine protected areas on the southwest coast of Turkey. The survey was carried out from January 2014 to December in 2015 in the Muğla Province. Small-scale fishers in the study sites were interviewed to assess the interactions between small-scale fishers and the MMSs including total economic loss of fishers from MMSs, the number of MMS sightings, the reactions of the seals and the fishers during the sightings, fishers’ perceptions on the MMS, and demographic and socio-economic profiles of the fishers. Small-scale fishers from Bodrum appeared to be the group that suffered the most among the locations with an annual loss of $1465.4 in contrast with Datça fishers with the lowest annual loss ($397.6). The annual loss in Fethiye-Göcek ($860.4) was almost double the loss of Bozburun fishers ($492.4). Harvesting costs varied from $6.7 kg-1 in Bodrum to $14.5 kg-1 in Fethiye-Göcek, whereas it was $11.8 kg-1 in Datça and $8.8 kg-1 in Bozburun. In conclusion, small-scale fishers should be subsidized to cover their economic losses caused by MMSs. Furthermore, re-regulating and minimizing the relation between fishing areas and MMS habitats, and raising the awareness of the fishers about the MMS can be essential in minimizing the negative interactions. We also recommend the use of economic indicators such as DPUE rather than absolute values to better understand and illustrate the negative economic impacts of MMSs.
E. Kamrani, M. Daliri, S. Jentoft, Volume 19, Issue 6 (11-2020)
The present study examinesthe fisheries governance status of small-scale capture fisheries in the northern Persian Gulf. Qeshm Island, which is selected as case study, plays a prominent role in fisheries in the Persian Gulf and territorial waters of the country. The research methodology included in-depth and semi-structured interviews with heads of fisheries cooperatives and fishers to deepen our understanding of the cultural and technical characteristics of local fisheries communities. Subsequently, data was drawn from 322 questionnaires, using a random sampling technique. The analyses indicate that fisheries co-management is at an interstitial situation, while the fishers are willing to cooperate with the government. A finding is also showed that literacy has a significant effect on fishers’ willingness to cooperate with government. There was also a considerable conflict of interest among the fisheries communities in the study area, which makes the implementation of rules difficult. Small-scale fishing communities are generally in a hard-pressed situation, which affects how fishers operate. Our study aims to contribute to improving the governance and governability of small-scale capture fisheries in the region.
A. Salarpouri, M. Daliri, G. Daryanabard, S.a. Taghavimotlagh, M. Momeni, A. Vahabnezhad, B. Daghooghi, Volume 23, Issue 1 (1-2024)
Iran’s marine catches are mostly captured by the small-scale fisheries (SSF) section, which is inherently difficult to manage. Socio-economic data is a key component of a community-based management approach to achieving sustainable SSF. A socio-economic survey was conducted to evaluate the profitability of small-pelagic purse seine fisheries in the northern Persian Gulf from 2020-2021. The study area covered three main fishing grounds of Sardine and Anchovy in the northern Persian Gulf. Data were collected by random sampling technique, using 104 standard questionnaire forms. The results showed that 104,000 tons of fish were landed by 348 purse seiners in 2020, which supports ~96% of the fisherman’s household income. In total, 3811 fishers were engaged on the pair-boat purse seiners with an average (±SD) age of 32.1±11.6 years. In terms of literacy, ~52% of fishers had secondary and high school education. On average, the number of engaged crew per vessel was 9.7 people, and each crew worked 843 hours per year which is 42% of national FTE. Total variable costs for purse seine fleet were 6.57 million Euro, of which personnel costs 47.5%, energy costs 32.5%, operational costs 7.8%, maintenance costs 7%, commercial costs 5%, and fixed costs 0.2%. The value of total investment (vessels and gears) was estimated at 9.77 million Euros, which is close to the total revenue of 10.46 million Euros in 2020. The purse seine fleet consumed 17.2 million liters fuel in 2020, their energy efficiency was calculated at 0.165 for 1 ton landed fish. This study showed that the purse seine fishery in the northern Persian Gulf, which utilized 0.93 of its capacity, is a livelihood-oriented activity. Therefore, it is recommended that the fisheries management approach is aimed at ensuring sustainable exploitation and employment stability.