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Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Scopus): 1.117
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Web of Science): 0.8
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H Index (Google scholar): 22
Journal's Impact Factor ISC 2022: 0.215
"If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Scopus): 1.117
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Web of Science): 0.8
SJR 2023: 0.27 Q3
H Index (Google scholar): 22
Journal's Impact Factor ISC 2022: 0.215
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Showing 111 results for Age
X.y. Liu, R.r. Dong, R.r. Wang, Volume 21, Issue 6 (11-2022)
High-throughput sequencing of intestinal microbial DNA using the Illumina platform was implemented to clarify the structure and function of intestinal flora and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) abundances in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Species annotation and gene function analysis were performed on the metagenomic sequencing data. Intestinal bacteria were isolated and identified by 16sRNA. The results showed that intestinal flora was highly similar in the three P. fulvidraco. A total of 37 phyla and 788 genera of intestinal bacteria were identified. Proteobacteria, Streptomyces, and Clostridium are the dominant flora with the average relative abundance of 25.71%, 14.75%, and 5.15%, respectively. Six strains were successfully isolated and identified in our experiment. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis showed that the primary metabolic pathway is dominated by metabolism and organic systems, while the secondary metabolic pathway is dominated by sensory system, carbohydrate metabolism, replication, and repair. In addition, 499 ARGs of 37 resistance types were identified based on Antibiotic Resistance Genes Database. Tetracycline, polypeptide, macrolide, glycopeptide, and multiple drug resistance were highly abundant. The intestinal ARGs of P. fulvidraco were macB, bcrA, and evgS. In general, rich bacterial diversity and many types of ARG were detected in the intestine of P. fulvidraco. Moreover, probiotics are potentially a good alternative to antibiotic abuse in aquaculture industry. Therefore, analysis of intestinal flora, intestinal flora ARGs and gene functions is beneficial for the artificial farming of P. fulvidraco.
M.h. Daneshi, A.a. Motallebi Moghanjoughi, L. Golestan, Volume 22, Issue 1 (1-2023)
In the current study, glazing with water and Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis extract (SPE) were used to keep the quality characteristics of Litopenaeus vannamei intact during frozen storage. For this purpose, fresh shrimps were dipped into water diluted with 0.3, 1.0, and 1.3% of SPE solutions before freezing, then glazed and stored at -18°C for 150 days. Quality loss of shrimp was measured by pH, peroxide value (PV), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), textural properties, (hardness and cohesiveness) and sensory characteristics. The variation range of pH, PV, TVB-N, and TBA after 150 days increased to 7.67–7.82, 2.69–2.75 meq per kg O2 lipid, 28.04–29.92 mg/100g, 2.48–2.81 mg per kg MDA, respectively. The values of cohesiveness, hardness and sensory of all groups decreased after 150 days. Results showed that compared to the unglazed control samples, glazing treatment reduced the quality loss of shrimp during the 150 days of frozen storage. Results also illustrated that Spirulina glazed shrimp samples had lower TVB-N, PV, TBA, and higher textural and sensory properties compared to the other treatments.
M. Lagzian, M. Ghanbarifardi, Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2023)
Molecular adaptation of mudskippers to land living is undoubtedly a complex multifactorial phenomenon, and the skin is one of the most influential factors. This study explores the behavior of collagen type-I (CT1) from the structural and functional point of view using an in-silico approach and discusses its possible role in the adaptation to aerial respiration. The approach was started by finding the CT1 triple helix gene and protein of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris, Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus, and Danio rerio (as the reference sample), followed by homology modeling and 100 ns molecular dynamics simulation. Subsequently, the trajectories were analyzed for RMSD, RMSF, Rg, H-bond, and SASA. The results all together showed that the flexibility of the CT1 of Danio rerio is considerably greater than Boleophthalmus, and the latter is more flexible than Periophthalmus. This difference in flexibility is also evident in the morphology of their skin since Zebrafish's skin is more elastic than the two mudskippers. The skin of Boleophthalmus is as well slightly softer than Periophthalmus. Our findings demonstrate that the more terrestrial species have the less flexible CT1 in the skin that saves them from desiccation. However, the skin structure of mudskippers makes a balance between the capability of respiration and saving them from desiccation. The results reveal one of the phenotypic adaptations of mudskippers for living on land, which is congruent with the morphological and physiological distinctive features.
M.h. Daneshi, A.a. Motallebi Moghanjoughi, L. Golestan, Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2023)
In this study, the effect of glazing with Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis extract (SPE) were evaluated on the quality characteristics of Fenneropenaeus (Penaeus) indicus at frozen temperature. Three different concentrations of SPE (0.3, 1.0, and 1.3%) were used and compared with water glazing (WG) and unglazing conditions (UG). Shrimp quality was measured by pH, peroxide value (PV), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid (TBA), textural properties (hardness and cohesiveness), and sensory characteristics for five months of frozen storage. Results illustrated that the glazing treatment reduced the quality loss of shrimp in the course of frozen storage, compared to the unglazed control sample. Variation range of pH, PV, TVB-N, and TBA after 150 days increased to 7.68–7.79, 2.70–2.74 meq per kg O2 lipid, 28.12–30.08 mg/100g, 2.53–2.88 mg per kg MDA, respectively. The values of cohesiveness, hardness and sensory of all groups decreased after 150 days. As regards the glazed samples, those treated with SPE showed lower TVB-N, PV, TBA, and higher textural and sensory properties. However, further research is necessary to optimize the use of SPE in the glazing system.
M.a. Asefi, G. Attaran-Fariman, Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2023)
Noctiluca is a dinoflagellate genus that causes algal bloom and is distributed in the tropical coastal waters of the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. The blooming of the species on the southeastern coast of Iran (the north part of the Oman Sea) is usually green and happens in the cold seasons. A dense harmful bloom of Noctiluca scintillans was reported in February and March 2020 along the coastal waters of Chabahar Bay (Iran) on a significant scale. Sampling was carried out from three stations located in the bloom areas. This study aimed to evaluate the distribution of the bloom in Chabahar Bay using field data and remote sensing, as well as examining N. scintillans cells and identifying the species that were present in the bloom area. The results of microscopic counting revealed a high density of N. scintillans. The bloom duration was about 22 days; with a density of 2.37 × 105 cells L-1. Apart from N. scintillans, 20 species of phytoplankton including 10 species of dinoflagellates, 9 species of diatoms, and 1 other phytoplankton species were identified. The bloom caused the mortality of marine organisms including jellyfish, crabs, and green sea turtles. Although N. scintillans is classified as a non-toxic species, it can lead to the mortality of marine organisms such as fish and invertebrates by causing severe hypoxia and ammonia release.
A. Hemati, S. Kakoolaki , K. Pazir , E. Jorfi , I. Sharifpour, A. Sepahdari, B. Ghaednia, Volume 22, Issue 3 (5-2023)
Heracleum persicum (HP) is an annual herbbelonging to Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family and traditionally cultivated in Iran for its medicinal properties. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of H. persicum extract has shown that it possesses antioxidant properties, which may be attributed that to the presence of furanocoumarin compounds. In an experiment involving Danio rerio were, six groups of fish were exposed to different concentration of HA-PA ranging from 470 to 500 mg distributed among six groups in triplicates included G1 (control), G2 (1000 mg/kg), G3 (2000 mg/kg), G4 (4000 mg/kg), G5 (8000 mg/kg) and G6 (16000 mg/kg). The probit value for HA-HP and associated concentrations indicated low toxicity in D. rerio. The LC50 of HA-HP for D. rerio exposed to various concentrations for 24 hrs was found to be 6020.37 mg/kg with lower and upper bounds of 4477.5 and 8117.9, respectively at a 95% confidence limit. The maximum value of buccal movement rate was observed in animals exposed to 16000 mg/kg of HA-HP measuring between 134.0-192.66 N/min. However, increased doses of HA-HP led to respiratory distress and a decrease in oxygen uptake in fish. Moribund fish were observed at 1000 and 2000 mg/kg with signs of darting swimming, circular movement, and settling on the bottom of the aquarium for up to 12 hrs. The exposure of D. rerio to increasing concentration of HA-HP also resulted in the Loss of schooling behavior, which could affect their ability to move in coordination with their peers. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the LD50 of HA-HP for D. rerio after 24 hrs is high indicating it can be used safely as an immunostimulant or for other purposes in fish at lower dosages.
M.a. Asefi, G. Attaran Fariman, G. Mohammadpour, Volume 22, Issue 5 (9-2023)
The present study reports widespread aquatic mortality during an unprecedented harmful algal blooms (HABs) in Chabahar Bay, the largest bay of the Oman Sea and one of the most important fishing areas of Iran, on 15 and 16 June 2019. This volume of aquatic death stopped fishing and tourist activities in this area for a short time. During this event, the microalgae Karlodinium Cf. veneficum with a density of 6.8 × 104 cells mL−1 was identified as the bloom former species. The toxic dinoflagellate K. veneficum has contributed to the aquatic mortality in many coastal areas of the world by producing karlotoxin. The phytoplankton community was studied in this bloom and 46 species of phytoplankton were identified, including 22 species of diatoms, dinoflagellates (22), Cryptophyta (1), and Chlorophyta (1). This is the first occurrence of HABs associated with the dinoflagellate Karlodinium bloom and the first report of the presence of two toxic and dinoflagellate species, Amphidinium carterae and Ostreopsis ovata associated with the algal bloom in the northern Oman Sea. Chabahar Bay is considered one of the most important areas of aquatic fishing grounds in the region. The occurrence of HABs regarding toxic dinoflagellates can be a serious risk to aquaculture activities, human health, and the ecosystem in the area. Water consumption of the residents of Chabahar relies on desalination plants, therefore the bloom of toxic microalgae in the Chabahar bay can disrupt the operation of the desalination plant and pose a potential threat to the water supply in this area.
M. Nazari, G. Attaran Fariman, Y.b. Okolodkov, Volume 22, Issue 6 (11-2023)
Harmful algal blooms caused by dinoflagellates have significant adverse effects on environmental and public health. This study aimed to investigate the effect of water physicochemical parameters on the annual cycle of epiphytic dinoflagellates in the northern Chabahar Bay coastal waters of the Oman Sea (Iran). The macroalgal samples with associated epiphytes were collected seasonally from 6 coastal sites in spring, summer, atumn 2019 and winter 2020. The water physicochemical parameters were measured, and the data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA and the principal component analysis (PCA). Twelve potentially toxic dinoflagellate species from five genera were identified during the four sampling seasons. Amphidinium carterae with an average of 11.22% and A. operculatum with an average of 10.77% of the total abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates were the dominant species, and Gambierdiscus australes showed an average of 6.48%.Based on the PCA, the abundance of certain species was found to be influenced by different environmental factors. The PCA revealed that NO2, NO3 and SiO4 values had the greatest impact at sites with high abundances of A. operculatum, Prorocentrum concavum, P. emarginatum, P. rhathymum and G. balechii. Furthermore, PO4 concentration had the greatest impact at the sites with high abundances of A. carterae, P. lima, Ostreopsis lenticularis, O. heptagona, G. balechii, G. toxicus, G. australes and Coolia monotis. The results obtained highlighted a significant impact of dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, temperature and nutrients on the epiphytic dinoflagellate species abundances in the study area.
A. Al-Ghassani, R.m. Piah, Volume 23, Issue 1 (1-2024)
The pickhandle barracuda, Sphyraena jello Cuvier, 1829, is the most common species of Barracuda in Oman Waters but its basic biological information is still absent, hence this study was conducted. A total of 662 individuals were sampled in the Dhofar region along the southwest coast of Oman in the Arabian Sea from June 2021 to May 2022. The length-weight relationship for combined sexes was W=0.0151 TL2.7221. The average monthly values of the gonado-somatic index and the percentage of different maturity stages of gonads for males and females indicated that S. jello spawns throughout the year, with spawning peaking from June to August. The length at first maturity was estimated at 71.9 cm TL for males and 74.0 cm TL for females and the age at first maturity was 4.1 and 4.3 years, respectively. The determination of age derived from the sectioned otolith reading revealed that the age of the studied fish varied from one to 24 years with the dominant age of 3 years old. The longevity of S. jello was calculated at 27 years old. The values of growth parameters in von Bertalanffy growth function for combined sexes were estimated as: L∞=161.18 cm, K=0.119 уr-1 and to= -0.88. The present study indicates that S. jello is a long-lived species with slow growth rate, so it is vulnerable to overfishing. Further monitoring studies of S. jello are needed to develop scientifically sound and effective management measures for their fishery.
S. Esmaeilpour-Poodeh, H. Rahmani, R. Ghorbani, F. Abbasi, Volume 23, Issue 5 (8-2024)
Age, growth, and reproductive traits of the South Caspian Spirlin in the southern part of the Caspian Sea basin, Tajan, River, were investigated. A comprehensive study was conducted on 663 specimens including 226 females, 297 males, and 140 unsexed individuals with a total length ranging from 25.88 to 121.66 mm. The specimens were collected using an electrofisher at monthly intervals. The female-to-male sex ratio was calculated as 1: 1.29. The growth rings on the scale were employed for age determination in this study. Both sexes exhibited only four age groups (0+ to 3+), with the 2+ age group dominating the population. Females consistently displayed larger sizes compared to males. The von Bertalanffy growth function yielded L t =123.90 (1- e -0.25(t+0.87) ) and L t =128.10 1- e -0.29 t+0.69 for males and females, respectively. Furthermore, the Fulton condition factor value was significantly higher in females than males. Notably, the maximum gonadosomatic index for both males and females coincided with the spawning seasons (May to August). Absolute fecundity varied from 290 to 1710 oocytes, with a mean of 793 oocytes. This study presents comprehensive data on the biological characteristics of the South Caspian Spirlin, providing valuable insights for fish stock assessment studies.
S.g. Brillantes, I.j. Lagumbay, D.s. Balindo , Volume 23, Issue 6 (11-2024)
Strombus canarium or dog conch is an economically important gastropod species for food in many coastal communities in the Philippines. Therefore, there is a need for protective measures to safeguard the stock in the wild. A better understanding of reproductive characteristics is needed to establish a management strategy for the conch fisheries. This study aims to determine the sex ratio, gonadosomatic indices, spawning period, and the relationship between shell length, lip thickness, and gonadal development stage of S. canarium. A total of 212 individuals were collected, of which 71 were male and 141 female. The overall ratio of the population is 1:1.99, of which females dominate in all sampling months. The male dog conch spawned from August to November, with a clear peak in September and October, while the female population has no clear peak. Only three gonadal developmental stages (intermediate, active, and ripe) were observed in both sexes across all sampling months. The correlation analysis indicated that the shell length and lip thickness were reliable indices of sexual maturity for both male and female S. canarium. The information gathered in this study indicates that this species exhibited partial spawning behavior, with complete spawning recorded only in males during specific periods. For fishery management measures, only sexually mature S. canarium with 76 mm shell length should be collected to ensure the individual can reproduce before being harvested.