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XML Status of fish Consumption per capita of Tehran citizens P. 546-556
A. Adeli * , T. Hasangholipour , A. Hossaini , H. Salehi , B. Shabanpour
Abstract (15558 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5306 Downloads)  
XML Enrichment of Artemia nauplii with essential fatty acids and vitamin C: effect on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae performance P. 557-569
P. Akbary * , S. A. Hosseini , M. R. Imanpoor
Abstract (17490 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (7503 Downloads)  
XML Prevalence and intensity of internal parasitic helminthes infected Black sole fish, Brachirus orientalis (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) in the Persian Gulf P. 570-584
A. Bagherpour * , M. Afsharnasab , I. Mobedi , B. Jalali , M. Mesbah
Abstract (12423 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (8834 Downloads)  
XML Reproduction characteristics of the Vimba vimba persa P. 585-595
A. R. Chaichi * , G. H. Vosoughi , F. Kaymaram , S. Jamili , H. Fazli
Abstract (12005 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5521 Downloads)  
XML Application of microsatellite markers to determine populations of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) P. 596-606
F. Chakmehdouz Ghasemi * , M. Pourkazemi , M. Tavakolli , M. Yarmohammadi , M. Hassanzadeh Saber , S. Baradaran Noveiri
Abstract (12554 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4135 Downloads)  
XML Initial salinity tolerance and ion-osmotic parameters in juvenile Russian Sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Brandt, 1833 P. 607-615
S. M. V. Farabi * , S. Najafpour , M. Ghiasi , H. Samadi
Abstract (16841 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4480 Downloads)  
XML Effect of hot-water extract of brown seaweed Sargassum glaucescens via immersion route on immune responses of Fenneropenaeus indicus P. 616-630
B. Ghaednia * , M. R. Mehrabi , M. Mirbakhsh , V. Yeganeh , P. Hoseinkhezri , G. Garibi , A. Ghaffar Jabbari
Abstract (16673 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5840 Downloads)  
XML Isolation and characterization of 13 new microsatellite markers in the triangle mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii) P. 631-640
Han-wen Yuan , Long-gen Guo , Qiao-qing Xu *
Abstract (11111 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4387 Downloads)  
XML Effect of Light and Music on Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) P. 641-653
M. R. Imanpoor * , T. Enayat Gholampour , M. Zolfaghari
Abstract (17164 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (9772 Downloads)  
XML Effects of different concentrations of Sodium alginate as an edible film on chemical changes of dressed Kilka during frozen storage P. 654-662
N. Khanedan * , A. A. Motalebi , A. A. Khanipour , A. Koochekian sabour , M. Seifzadeh , A. Hasanzati rostami
Abstract (16187 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (7829 Downloads)  
XML Comparison of different nitrogen compounds in three different environments of the Gwatar shrimp farms complex in the Gwatar Gulf region (Baluchestan-Iran) P. 663-677
S. Khodami * , G. Attaran-Fariman , J. Ghasemzadeh , M. S. Mortazavi
Abstract (12313 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4884 Downloads)  
XML Isolation and Identification of Histamine-forming bacteria in frozen Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) P. 678-688
V. A. Koohdar * , V. Razavilar , A. A. Motalebi , F. Mosakhani , T. Valinassab
Abstract (13616 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (8702 Downloads)  
XML Implementation of Value Engineering for strategy formulation (Case study: Fisheries sector) P. 689-707
A. Mostafaeipour * , M. Mortazavi , N. Sadra-Abarghouei
Abstract (11760 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5059 Downloads)  
XML Detection and identification of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) of Litopenaus vannamei from Bushehr and Sistan and Baloochestan provinces (Iran), during 2009-2010 P. 708-726
M. K. Pazir * , M. Afsharnasab , B. Jalali Jafari , I. Sharifpour , A. A. Motalebi , A. Dashtiannasab
Abstract (14279 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (10069 Downloads)  
XML Analysis of factor costs contribution change for fingerling production of Kutum fish (Rutilus frisii kutum Kamensky, 1901) in Iran P. 727-739
H. Salehi *
Abstract (10809 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5056 Downloads)  
XML Heritability estimation for growth-related traits in juvenile wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in the south of Caspian Sea P. 740-748
M. Yousefian * , M. Sharifrohani , H. Hosseinzadeh- Sahafi , F. Laloei , C. Makhdoomi
Abstract (11934 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (4407 Downloads)  
XML short Communication: Optimization of semi-quantitative RT PCR analysis for CPT I gene expression in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) P. 749-752
S. A. H. Jalali , G. Nikbakht * , N. Mahboobi Soofiani , S. M. A. Jalali
Abstract (9817 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (7518 Downloads)  
XML Short Communication: Chromosome studies on the marine shrimp Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) merguiensis from the Persian Gulf P. 753-760
S. M. Mansouri * , H. Farahmand , F. Khalilabadi
Abstract (8790 Views)   |   Full-Text (PDF) (5778 Downloads)  
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