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A preliminary study on phylogenetic relationship between five sturgeon species in the Iranian Coastline of the Caspian Sea M. Pourkazemi *, D.O.F. Skibinski, J.A. Beardmore Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Study of mtDNA vatriation of Russian sturgeon population from the south Caspian Sea using RFLP analysis of PCR amplified ND5/6 gene regions S. Rezvani Gilkolaei *Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Ecophysiological indicators of stress in female Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus
M. Bahmani *, S. Oryan, M. Pourkazemi, G. Vosoughi Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Evaluation of some haematological variables of Acipenser persicus and Acipenser stellatus at different water temperaures R. Pourgholam *, A. Saeidi Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Study on the changes of some physiological factors during osmoregulation of juvenile Persian sturgeons (Acipenser persicus)
S.M. Jabbarzadeh Shiadeh *, B. Abtahi, B. Mojazi Amiri, R.M. Nazari Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Study on the effects of stocking density of eggs and larvae on the survival and frequency of morphological deformities in Persian sturgeon, great sturgeon and stellate sturgeon M. Mohseni *, M. Pourkazemi, R. Kazemi, M.R. Norooz Foshkhomi, B. Mojazi Amiri, L.N. Kaladkova Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Determination of optimum feeding rate expressed as percent of body weight in Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus H. Yousefpour Pirbazari *, V. Aghtouman, M. Mohseni Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
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