:: Volume 19, Issue 4 (2020) ::
IJFS 2020, 19 Back to browse issues page
A factorial experiment for heritability estimation of the reproductive traits of the wild Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus
A. Hallajian , H.A. Abdolhay * , A.A. Shadparvar , M. Yarmohammadi , M.A. Yazdanisadati
Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institue, Agricultural Research,Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Theran, Iran , hossein_abdolhay@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2676 Views)
Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) is one of the most valuable species of fish native in the Caspian Sea and Iran's waters. In order to evaluate the heritability of reproductive traits in wild Persian sturgeon (A. persicus) three males and three  females’ fish were caught in the southern area of Caspian Sea and then were crossed by using a 3×3 factorial with the aim of selecting the best parent to produce good larvae. Prior to the crossing, sperm density, motility, pH and osmolality, spermatocrit percentages, and the number of micropyles on the eggs` surface were determined. One hundred grams of eggs from each females were fertilized by 1mL of sperm from each males for a total of and 9 treatments combinations, (F1M1, F1M2, F1M3, F2M1, F2M2, F2M3, F3M1, F3M2 and F3M3) with 3 replicates each. Hatching percent was calculated at 5 h after fertilization and 405 eggs were measured for weighting and determining their diameter. Sperm concentration and number of micropyles had no significant effects on fertilization rate (p>0.05). Sperm density also had negative correlations with fertilization (r=-0.603, p<0.01) and hatching rates (r =-0.175, p<0.01). However, fertilization was positively correlated with osmolality (r=0.511) and number of micropyles (r = 0.574). The correlation between osmolality and hatching rate was 0.288 and between eggs weight and its diameter was 0.698. Heritability estimates for weight and diameter of eggs were 0.043±0.035 and 0.207±0.103, respectively. The results show treatment 9 (F3M3) had higher genetic values compared to the rest of the treatments. Also due to the large number of micropyle on sturgeon ova, in order to increase the percentage of fertilization rate, sperm density should be low but motility duration should be high.
Keywords: Persian sturgeon, Reproduction, Heritability, Genetic value
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Type of Study: Orginal research papers | Subject: Biotechnology
Received: 2017/05/6 | Accepted: 2017/09/13 | Published: 2020/06/14

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Volume 19, Issue 4 (2020) Back to browse issues page