During 12 months of sampling, from 17 stations, 327 specimens of Soboor fish Tenualosa ilisha, including 120 females, 113 males and 86 immature were caught. Total length (TL) of the fishes was 120-500mm. Maximum diameters of soboor ova 0.795mm and the ova with diameter more than 0.7 mm released at one spawning round. Temporal and spatial distribution of ova diameter corresponding to GSI changes showed that ova with diameters between 0.64 to 0.795 mm released spontaneously in many rounds along fish migration route during its spawning season. The results indicate that the spawning of soboor begins upon its entering to Bahmanshir and Arvand Rivers on April and continued up to Shushtar and Dezful cities on September where their migration route and season are ended.
Ghafleh Marammazi J, Eskandari G, Almokhtar M, Hasanzadeh Kiabi B. Study of spawning season and spawning ground of soboor (Tenualosa ilisha, Ham. Bunch., 1822) during its migration in Khuzestan rivers. IJFS 2004; 4 (1) :89-102 URL: http://jifro.ir/article-1-3153-en.html