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Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Scopus): 1.117
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Web of Science): 0.8
SJR 2023: 0.27 Q3
H Index (Google scholar): 22

Journal's Impact Factor ISC 2022: 0.215



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Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Scopus): 1.117
Journal`s Impact Factor 2023(Web of Science): 0.8
SJR 2023: 0.27 Q3
H Index (Google scholar): 22

Journal's Impact Factor ISC 2022: 0.215


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Showing 1 results for Tempura

S Jorjani, A.a Khanipour, M Soltani, A Matalebi, A Kamali, A Ghelichi,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (9-2019)

This study aimed to assess the chemical, microbial and sensory properties in a new product from kilka in mass scale with two different types of batters (simple and tempura batter). Kilka fish were battered in a simple or tempura batters, before being breaded with conventional breading crumbs and pre-fried in sunflower oil at 170°C for 30 sec. The fried samples were then immediately frozen through continuous method at -40°C in a spiral freezer before being packed kept at -18°C. Chemical, microbial and sensory properties were performed on the fried breaded kilka a day after freezing. There was no significant difference in protein, fat and ash contents of raw breaded kilka prepared from tempura and simple batters (p≥0.05), while there was significant difference in moisture content of raw breaded kilka prepared from two batters (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in moisture and fat contents between raw and fried breaded kilka by both tempura and simple batters (p<0.05) with lower moisture content and higher fat content seen in fried breaded kilka. To determine the microbiological quality of breaded kilka, total bacteria count (TBC) and total Colifirms (TC) and E. coli were evaluated. The produced breaded kilka with two types of batters were proper from the hygienic view point. Comparing TC and TBC of breaded kilka products with different batters showed that the breaded kilka with tempura batter is in a better status. There were significant differences in some sensory properties of breaded kilka with simple and tempura batters includes odor, cohesiveness of batter and general acceptability (p<0.05). Among all determined characteristics, the breaded kilka with tempura batter had higher scores than the one with simple batter.

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Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences
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